


Spinal Cord Stimulator

A Spinal Cord Stimulator (SCS) is a medical device used to treat chronic pain, especially when other pain management options, such as medications or surgery, have not provided sufficient relief. It works by delivering low-voltage electrical impulses to the spinal cord through a small implanted device, which helps modify pain signals before they reach the brain, providing relief from pain. 

The spinal cord stimulator is particularly effective for neuropathic pain, which is pain caused by nerve damage. It is most commonly used for back pain, leg pain, and pain related to conditions such as failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS), complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), ischemic limb pain, and other chronic pain conditions. 



Kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat vertebral compression fractures, which are commonly caused by osteoporosis. The procedure aims to relieve pain, restore vertebral height, and stabilize the spine. Kyphoplasty is typically recommended when the fracture causes significant pain or when conservative treatments like medications or physical therapy are ineffective. It is particularly useful for fractures due to osteoporosis, but it can also be used for fractures caused by tumors or other conditions. 


Lumbar Intracept Procedure

The Intracept procedure is a minimally invasive spinal procedure designed to treat chronic low back pain caused by degenerative changes in the spine. Using radiofrequency energy, the procedure selectively targets and ablates (destroys) the basivertebral nerve, which helps reduce pain signals from the vertebra to the brain. It specifically targets pain originating from the vertebrogenic (bone-related) pain in the basivertebral nerve, which is thought to be responsible for pain in the vertebral body of the spine, particularly in the lumbar (lower) spine.  


Peripheral Nerve Stimulator

Peripheral nerve stimulation (Sprint System) uses electrical impulses to relieve chronic pain of the effected area. It is believed the electrical pulses can help relieve irritated nerve tissue even after completion of the 60 day treatment period. Evidence demonstrates that even after completion of the treatment period a majority of the patients report continued pain relief.